Sunday, December 23, 2007

What To Do Baby Belly Ache

The bumblebee, the helicopter and the moon

(burlesque in rhyming quatrains)

The bumblebee does not know aerodynamic
And despite the weight, it is claimed without Closca;
wheels, and do not see the outcry the check-list
Unaware continues to fly without the specialist .

demons that control, dismantle and clean
contribute to the safety of their pilot;
true masters of lift and dexterity
dimano Calibrated and tightening security. The pilot

appreciate why so many in the
rejects inexperience govern the helicopter, the user study;
And when the use is awkward and unusual
A notice in the headset draws on time.

course manual and all worn out fan,
But the rivalry's specs are Lecera,
And while the helicopter hovered in the air has run
Pensan if the cards are well recorded.

And if the dragonfly to balance the technical
stop ... sorry a single question will be:
Although the helicopter pilot has run As stolen
with duty, I've saved the form. Make sure

well done! While, I'm fucked up!

Letters To A Depressed Person

bring them your light.

In Progress ->

Saturday, December 22, 2007

How To Master Bate In Bed


The Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth.
Stages lunar describe the different aspects that the Moon shows during its motion, caused by its different orientation relative to the Sun
are represented by the satellite earth illuminated by Sole.Vi are four basic positions and four intermediate phases: New Moon ( or conjunction or new moon phase), Crescent Moon (Gibbous) First quarter, gibbous growing, full moon (or phase opposition or full moon), waning gibbous, Last Quarter, Waning Moon (hump on the east).
The term "quarter" refers to the position of the moon in orbit around the earth, those two positions from the earth is visible half hemisphere. with the new moon, the Moon is interposed between Earth and the Sun: it rises in the morning and sets in the evening. If you align with the Earth and the Sun has a 'solar eclipse. In quadratures or quarters, the line between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun, forming an angle of 90 ° to the first quarter rises at noon and sets at midnight last quarter rises at midnight and sets at noon. With the full moon, the position of the Earth is between Sun and Moon rises and sets in the evening to morning. If you align behind the shadow of the Earth's lunar eclipse. Conjunction and opposition are called "syzygies" (or "sigizie). The Moon revolves around the Earth in 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes and 11 seconds. The lunar month (full cycle of phases) has instead a period of 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 3 seconds. The difference is due to the fact that in the meantime both the Earth and the Moon are advanced along the Earth's orbit and its alignment with the Sun has changed. Large
relief occupies the Moon in scientific explanations, but also in popular beliefs: The Moon and the female menstrual cycle are closely linked because the woman's body is sensitive to the lunar phases: the synodic cycle of the moon, as mentioned, is 29-day, twelve hours and 44 minutes and the woman's cycle can vary from this and be slightly shorter or longer, thus corresponding to different phases of the moon. Most of the women because they interact This cycle in two ways: their menses coincide or are very close to the moon or full moon with the black, or, when the Moon is for two or three days in the same constellation of the Sun and, therefore, is full, but in the opposite direction. This happens every month and at this stage, the Moon joins the Sun, as we celebrate the symbolic marriage between male and female, the archetype of the night (sensitivity) and light (vitality). Words like lunatic
are derived from Luna because of the popular belief that it is a cause of periodic insanity. For fishermen need to fish more in the nights of full moon because the moon attracts the fish to the surface, while the farmers claim the must go put in the barrels in the new moon, to turn it into wine. In the gardens, then, the Moon occupies a very important role: you must always sow crescent moon because the plants grow faster. It is also still widespread belief of the increase in births during the waxing moon. In medieval mythology, the full moon is an important one: the werewolves are transformed in the light of the moon and witches gather for their parties, usually in May, during the full moon.
The moon also has its influence on the tides. These large bodies of water (oceans, seas and great lakes) that rise (flow, high tide) es'abbassano (ebb tide) also of 10-15 meters, mainly due to two factors: the gravitational attraction exerted by the combined Sun - Moon on Earth, but with a clear prevalence of the component of the Moon because of its shorter distance (Newton's law of universal gravitation), the centrifugal force due to rotation of the Earth - the Moon around the center of gravity. Thus, the high tide occurs at the same time, the passage of the moon on the meridian opposite. Usually, the tides have a frequency related to the passage of the Moon and, therefore, about 12 hours. Phenomena similar to the "standing waves" (the tidal wave can be considered an extended, this tidal wave of length equal to the Earth's semi-circle, with periods of 12 h 25 min), mean that in some coastal areas there is no ocean tide, as in some northern European seas). While usually the tide times vary from day to day, as the change in the organization of the Moon. There are places (eg Pacific Ocean) where the tides are always in the same hours.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How Much Does Rv Insurance Usually Run

The Love Letter

Inspired by the society around us, I tried putting in an Italian more or less understandable, some thoughts that can be shared by those who love ... the jokes. Also, if there are, again, scribes, you can try to write a love letter like this, a girl to win. Then, if you're there, ask them to read your poem and a line is not a line, you may change your mind ...

I write with deep and immense pleasure to tell you of my joy in cu -
hours, for the happiness of being able to show and only her, the great and good - the
, valuable inspiration of my caring love, a pledge of strong, bana -
lissimo, extravagant, drawing-room meeting with her, when his heart and from if -
no, he said will, naturally, open, because never before had felt pu -
erpera against a man of his own, to love, madly, but like St. -
ravines modest, much to ask of sublime poetry vibrant den -
Samento, traces that remain invisible but indelible taste of dolcias -
against her, quartermaster of pleasure-seeking hedonism. We walk together, then, his gardener -
dinette, spacious and promiscuous, sublimating the entrancing walks in the car -
rettiera, with phrases like: how nice! Go higher, more! Enthusiastic about his fi -
figure, watching her perceived subliminal messages of love, then removed the to -
ga, I proceeded to make her happy by sending the conclusion of his poetry -
thin face and it was then that the poem went d ' intensity, look at the eyes, from behind
. Me, simply said, more, more! Exhausted after her rot -
EATA around me, looking into her eyes, I've seen in a vision of ecstasy -
CT all, I had a great vision, which could be summarized in one word: CA -
characteristics and representative expression of a vibrant, passionate, mystical, I know -
Spain, because, rightly, wants, to the end, what is his by divine right, against -
Vare love right, the right man to live a ' irrepressible love as laughter - and risaiola
ia. Determinants one another, for the success of the menage.
And, then, but it ... Follow your heart!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

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Back to the Future Questions

Once upon a time the courtship, now remote art among the youth of today. Not long ago, was made of serenades in the moonlight, love letters, languid eyes, kiss me, flattery, and bouquets of flowers. Today, according to many girls, the boys are in a hurry, too direct and not very original and, if the first approach does not work within 8-10 minutes, give up. This time limit that young people spend approach: approach, with no eyes or other game, offer something quite trivial, like a drink, and if you do not realize that they have a chance, drop out. And it gets better when you switch on foreplay, young boys appear to be clumsy, unable to kiss and if faced with a brassiere to be in crisis. For him, the girls never know what they really want to give absolutely contradictory messages: ah! The superficiality of the disease nowadays. It falls short, the double myth of the macho Italian and perfect Casanova. In fact, courtship Casanova provided that, to win the heart of a woman, the effort could last weeks if not months. Other times!
not much better even on the front. The girls now no longer know the arts of seduction are aggressive, confuse seduction with vulgarity. A collapse, then, any possibility of approach is also non-existent or, perhaps, hidden femininity. Ergo, men are selfish, unimaginative, completely unable to interpret the wishes and needs of women. Therefore, the approaches are increasingly difficult in the society of appearances, made of continuous search for what perhaps does not exist, until it calms the sea in storm, in hopes of noi.Si, then a return to 'old gentleman who want to and / or know how to dare to be and not through the appearance, such as the use of tedious and tiresome writing, on time, reveals our character and our ... conditional. In short, we share with love letters and then to follow, all the rest ... But beware, the ancient technique amanuensis, to whom we are no longer used, is a mirror of our personality. Small, very small one must be careful. Big and round is equivalent to positivity, energy, translated: the woman is solar and vital man is dark and gray.

What Will Happen If My Dog Ingested Excedrin

the tooth. Readings