Sunday of the Christian Easter is mobile, is fixed from year to year on the Sunday following the first full moon after all 'Spring Equinox, March 21, from the fourth century. In previous centuries there were several local customs on the date to follow, though they are all related to the calculation of Passover. In particular, some churches in Asia followed the tradition of celebrating Easter on the same day the Jews, regardless of Sunday, and were, therefore, these Quartodecimans. This gave rise to a dispute, such dispute Quartodeciman among the church of Rome and the churches in Asia.
The Catholic Church chose the date of Easter (according to the Gregorian calendar, introduced by Pope XIII, 1582) between March 22 and April 25. In fact, if there's a full moon on March 21 and Saturday, will be the day after Easter, March 22, but if it's Sunday, Easter Sunday will be the following Sunday, March 28. Conversely, if the full moon is March 20, the next one will occur on April 18, and if this day was a Sunday should wait for the event next Sunday, that is April 25.
The Orthodox Church, however, follows the Julian calendar, sponsored by Julius Caesar in 46 a. C., and based on the cycle of seasons, then the date of Easter can vary from 4 April to 'May 8 and the difference with the Catholic Easter is 13 days.
Easter is preceded by a preparatory period of abstinence and fasting, which lasts forty days called Lent beginning on Ash Wednesday, the last week of Lent is called Holy Week, a time full of celebrations and dedicated to silence and contemplation. It begins with Palm Sunday which recalls Jesus' entry into Jerusalem: here was triumphantly welcomed by the crowd that waved in greeting the leaves of palm trees. For this reason in the Catholic Church during this Sunday, are distributed to faithful of the blessed olive branches (the sign of Christ's passion).
The last days of Holy Week marks the end of Lent and the beginning of the Easter Triduum. The Mass on Thursday morning is the Chrism Mass, when the bishop consecrates the holy oils (chrism, oil of catechumens) and Oil of the Sick), the oils that will be used throughout the course of the year compared to celebrate baptisms and confirmations , and ordered the priests to celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. The ninth hour of Holy Thursday ends the season of Lent and the Easter Triduum begins on the evening of Thursday, with the Lord's Supper Mass, this memorial of the Last Supper is eaten by Jesus during his earthly life, which were established in the Eucharist and the priestly ministry and was delivered to his disciples the commandment of love. During the Mass there is the traditional washing of the feet and are 'linked' bells (bells can not play by the Gloria of the Mass on Thursday evening at the Gloria of the Easter Vigil). This day is also tradition, not certified by the doctrine, making the romantic tour of the seven churches, going to worship the graves arranged in seven neighboring churches. Good Friday is not the Eucharist is celebrated: the liturgy focuses sull'adorazione Cross and the Via Crucis. On Holy Saturday, the only day of the year where you do not administer Communion except as food for the journey, is focused on expectations the solemn Easter Vigil is celebrated between sunset Saturday and sunrise of the New Day. Holy Saturday is also the only day of the year with no liturgy, and is therefore called "aliturgico. Not only can not be given Communion, but not even celebrate Mass and, usually, the tabernacles in the church are wide open and free of the Blessed Sacrament. What is stored in the sacristy. The altars are bare, no flowers and vestments and a sense of mourning pervades the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe temple.
The Christian Easter is intimately related with the Jewish, which celebrates the deliverance of the Jews from Egypt by Moses. The word Easter actually means passage: Pesach appears in the Torah (Old Testament). God announces to the people of Israel enslaved in Egypt, which he will deliver him and orders the Israelites to mark their doorposts with the blood of the lamb. For the Jews is the transition from slavery to freedom for Christians and the physical and spiritual death to the new eternal life. The two main commandments related to Pesach are: eating of matzah (unleavened bread) and the prohibition of eating any food which contains the yeast during the entire period of the festival. In ancient times there was a third: the tender lamb on the evening of day 14 of the Hebrew month of Nissan and eat that same night of the Passover sacrifice. The commandments have been transformed into a special meal called the seder is celebrated in the first two nights of the festival, only the first day in Israel.
The Catholic Church chose the date of Easter (according to the Gregorian calendar, introduced by Pope XIII, 1582) between March 22 and April 25. In fact, if there's a full moon on March 21 and Saturday, will be the day after Easter, March 22, but if it's Sunday, Easter Sunday will be the following Sunday, March 28. Conversely, if the full moon is March 20, the next one will occur on April 18, and if this day was a Sunday should wait for the event next Sunday, that is April 25.
The Orthodox Church, however, follows the Julian calendar, sponsored by Julius Caesar in 46 a. C., and based on the cycle of seasons, then the date of Easter can vary from 4 April to 'May 8 and the difference with the Catholic Easter is 13 days.
Easter is preceded by a preparatory period of abstinence and fasting, which lasts forty days called Lent beginning on Ash Wednesday, the last week of Lent is called Holy Week, a time full of celebrations and dedicated to silence and contemplation. It begins with Palm Sunday which recalls Jesus' entry into Jerusalem: here was triumphantly welcomed by the crowd that waved in greeting the leaves of palm trees. For this reason in the Catholic Church during this Sunday, are distributed to faithful of the blessed olive branches (the sign of Christ's passion).
The last days of Holy Week marks the end of Lent and the beginning of the Easter Triduum. The Mass on Thursday morning is the Chrism Mass, when the bishop consecrates the holy oils (chrism, oil of catechumens) and Oil of the Sick), the oils that will be used throughout the course of the year compared to celebrate baptisms and confirmations , and ordered the priests to celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. The ninth hour of Holy Thursday ends the season of Lent and the Easter Triduum begins on the evening of Thursday, with the Lord's Supper Mass, this memorial of the Last Supper is eaten by Jesus during his earthly life, which were established in the Eucharist and the priestly ministry and was delivered to his disciples the commandment of love. During the Mass there is the traditional washing of the feet and are 'linked' bells (bells can not play by the Gloria of the Mass on Thursday evening at the Gloria of the Easter Vigil). This day is also tradition, not certified by the doctrine, making the romantic tour of the seven churches, going to worship the graves arranged in seven neighboring churches. Good Friday is not the Eucharist is celebrated: the liturgy focuses sull'adorazione Cross and the Via Crucis. On Holy Saturday, the only day of the year where you do not administer Communion except as food for the journey, is focused on expectations the solemn Easter Vigil is celebrated between sunset Saturday and sunrise of the New Day. Holy Saturday is also the only day of the year with no liturgy, and is therefore called "aliturgico. Not only can not be given Communion, but not even celebrate Mass and, usually, the tabernacles in the church are wide open and free of the Blessed Sacrament. What is stored in the sacristy. The altars are bare, no flowers and vestments and a sense of mourning pervades the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe temple.
The Christian Easter is intimately related with the Jewish, which celebrates the deliverance of the Jews from Egypt by Moses. The word Easter actually means passage: Pesach appears in the Torah (Old Testament). God announces to the people of Israel enslaved in Egypt, which he will deliver him and orders the Israelites to mark their doorposts with the blood of the lamb. For the Jews is the transition from slavery to freedom for Christians and the physical and spiritual death to the new eternal life. The two main commandments related to Pesach are: eating of matzah (unleavened bread) and the prohibition of eating any food which contains the yeast during the entire period of the festival. In ancient times there was a third: the tender lamb on the evening of day 14 of the Hebrew month of Nissan and eat that same night of the Passover sacrifice. The commandments have been transformed into a special meal called the seder is celebrated in the first two nights of the festival, only the first day in Israel.
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