Monday, July 2, 2007

Big Guy From Movie Troy

Italy a naive dreamer

E 'became a national sport, preferred by most Italians, criticize policy, in general, and its costs. Well! All right! Provo, however, as a result of a "dream", rather than criticize and always vote the same way, to establish a kind of handbook on how to ... I wanted to see Italy and as I wish the national and local policy.
1. Justice: the conversion of the "prisons" in "institutions for social rehabilitation," directing the "guests", according to their inclinations, to work, whether manual, intellectual, artistic and professional. Via a life sentence! Maximum penalty of 20 years to be served in all institutions for rehabilitation. For minor offenses the punishment has to be social, and educational services through community work, such as: cleaning the roads, monitor and clean up the woods, helping the poor, the elderly, etc. ...
2. Education and research: to enter, as well as the material bases, since the primary, the first form of the game, then in a scientific way, the teaching of subjects such as: the Constitution Italian, driver education, sex education, civic education. Sport, to which the institution must be the prerogative of all children up to 16 years (from a higher initial cost for the state to benefit even better for people, closed in apartment-prisons and the NHS). High schools must have the same two years and training for all, after it follows the path chosen and their inclinations. Research should be encouraged on all fronts without limits. Italy must get back to excel in things they do best and do not always go to the trailer (a bit of national pride, by golly!).
3. Interior and defense: a single ministry, called the interior, which has at its bosom a Department for national defense, to be activated only in case of violations of national borders. The missions abroad, the Department of COMPETENCE, must be exclusively of peace, as stated in our Constitution. The interior must have met the three national police forces, subject to the specifications of each body (to limit the color of his uniform). At local level the municipalities should be organized with a local police acting, if necessary, also from National Guard and civil defense employed by the interior.
4. Job: work, as the Constitution says, must be encouraged and protected in all forms, flexibility must be intended solely to increase and improve their personality, not of insecurity or exploit the worker. We do not enter the world of work if not before they have reached a level of culture to high school (at least diploma). The culture sets us free.
5. Transport and Energy: all routes, networks, communication channels and all forms of energy use to be state owned. The government issues licenses for the use and operation thereof.
6. Agriculture and industry: sustainable use of land through organic farming and quality, the industry needs to convert 80% (just refrigerators, televisions and various strange things to be replaced every two years, because they are obsolete) and focus on 'high quality products, produced without any pollution or land use, soil, sky and sea. The Italian geography informs us that ours is a country with an agricultural vocation (ergo, agriculture and breeding of quality), travel (8000 km of coastline, docet!) And 80% of the world's cultural and architectural available. Let's stop with the bullshit of industrial power and a resounding "NO" to the industrialists and financiers without ethics and morals of this country).
7. Economy: the socialization of the means of production has failed, vulgar capitalism has failed, capitalism with a human face, preached by John Paul II, never took off. I see as the only way forward, the shareholder business, made exclusively between serious entrepreneurs (via the laws that create crafty of the neighborhood. Ricucci is only a martyr than all the others), managers, employees and workers, that the interest of one is the best interest of all . The money must be owned by the people (see link Giacinto Auriti), on the notes may not be the symbol of the ECB and no signature and the ECB can not print money and lend to the government at face value without securing anything in return (eg . gold). The money must be an instrument of measure of goods and services produced in the country, must be issued by the BI, on behalf of the ECB, without debt, because it is owned by us and must be signed by Head of State who represents us.
rid of all the laws and rules of the economy as they are today. They are very well represented by a sentence of banker Jacob Rothschild: "Very few people understand the system and those who understand will be busy making money. The public probably will not understand that it is against its interest."


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