Thursday, January 24, 2008

What Does One Nipple Piercing Mean?


16:11 "Barbato spat at Cusumano"
not merely all'improperio in Transatlantic, but once it comes into the classroom Tommaso Barbato headed to the bench party colleague Udeur, Nuccio Cusumano, and has "spit in the face while still trying to hit him, with his hands while he mimed a gun pointing fingers against the senator. Cusumano, feel attacked, "passed out" and then the Navy has suspended the sitting President of the classroom for several minutes. A report to reporters what happened hemicycle is Senator Sergio De Gregorio, leader of the Movement of Italians abroad.

16:03 illness Cusumano of the House to the cries of Barbato
At the end of his speech in the Senate senator Nuccio Cusumano Udeur you felt bad. The illness came after the leader of the Campanile Barbato came here and met him he screamed in the face "clown, sold." In the courtroom, meanwhile, had all hell broke loose with insults - "access", "slut" and "queer" - addressed to Cusumano. The senator was rescued by colleagues and clerks, while the president Marini suspended the sitting for five minutes. Cusumano, after he started crying, it was lying among the desks surrounded by colleagues, waiting for the arrival of the doctor.

16:00 Barbato rails against Cusumano: piece of shit
the cry of "asshole" Senator Tommaso Barbato, parent Udeur to Palazzo Madama, the course is in the courtroom while the video outside the classroom was listening to the explanation of vote Nuccio Cusumano.


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