Tuesday, April 8, 2008

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philosophical dualism

philosophies, which can be traced throughout the debate and recent past, are inspired by Greek philosophy and traditional Chinese. Two different philosophies, but both, one might say, necessary, complementary to each other.

made of the Greek language, eg. The Apology of Socrates, written by Plato, where the strength of the ideals of man is expressed in a language austere and effective way. Aristotle said that life is the center, that is wisdom, because it can become is open on one side or the other. The center does not mean immobilized on a location, but opening up the meaning of life ... The other, the Chinese philosophy, not made of language, which refers to the Universe that is, the changing seasons, at night in place of the day, all without human intervention and its language. To this Confucius was exempt from four defects: it was no presumption had no preconceptions; was without selfishness, stubbornness was not. Confucius said that the teacher has no idea why this, then the essay has a clear idea, I was without a precise, no positions, no band ever. The man of good, therefore, is neither for nor against. Confucius could be accommodating or intransigent, depending on the condition it was. It could be an extremist without being excessive. Confucius said that the man of culture (Essay) is tasteless, because it is the insipid flavor that makes it possible to evaluate all the others, if they choose not exclude one, automatically, all the others. The choice is, however, a choice, but it's still a choice that allows you to make all the other choices ...
Undoubtedly, the philosophy is uneasy because it tends to find laws, truth to say, that deployment, but we who are wise, we are tasteless and do not take sides.


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