Saturday, May 17, 2008

Earthquake Amplifiers For Sale

The food, life ...

How many times have we heard or said, are what we eat, who does not love the food, no love life.

From this taken it can be argued that food, especially if healthy, is everything. And I can not explain who, at the table, not a good fork, if not with their own personality, that is: I have rarely found people accommodating people with social relationships and emotional stability, at the table, are scrupulous attention to the line epuloni or, in short, not themselves. This brings me straight, straight to say that, involuntarily, through the food we determine, also, the sex of our children. Why involuntarily? Because in a couple with a power, say unbalanced, it is determined, more accidentally, their own individual personality. It happens, therefore, that the woman feeds a environment more hostile to male sperm, in turn, already weakened it from the future father. In fact is this: During sexual intercourse the man reaches orgasm almost always the first woman, the woman in turn encourages a more acidic vaginal environment, unsuitable for male sperm. Therefore, these, though of greater numbers, are traced back to a hostile environment for the egg while the female sperm, albeit fewer, are stronger and, in the struggle for survival, "cloak" nearly always male's sperm to reach the goal. An alternative would be: first correct with the power and then, as if by magic, even in sexual intercourse in a natural alternation of orgasm. In short: if enjoy is the first man, the sex of the unborn child will be female, and if, instead, to enjoy will be the first woman, the sex of the unborn child will be male, ultimately, if you enjoy at the same time there will be a fight to the last "tail" between male and female sperm and prevail in the case, luck, nature. This small change theory, developed by me, without any scientific support, it tells me that eating healthy is good, health is also to determine with sufficient certainty, the continuation of life. From a couple you can guess, with relative certainty by observing the physical features, sex of their children or those who procreate, but upstream is her power: "the spice of life." My grandfather used to say: you must "close his eyes before you "if you want a male and vice versa. Philosophy petty, however, with a great truth in retrospect.

Meditate, meditate.


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