Monday, February 28, 2011

Triumph Motorcycle Stool

Mattotti Lorenzo: I will revive my old Huckleberry Finn. The concert

(L'Unità, 17 February 2011)
______________________ Walking with Mattotti

"The comic is made of paper, books. The desire to touch the subject, to get lost in the image are closely related to this means of expression "Lorenzo Mattotti begins entering the Musée de la Bande Dessinée d'Angoulême. That 's where we have agreed to meet Sunday, the last day of the International Comic Festival which devotes a lot of surprises this year. As the Palme d'Or for best roll won by Italy Manuele Fior and his 5000 kilometers per second (Coconino Press, 2010).
"I appreciate this talented young man who experimented with different techniques" says, "that is always looking for the most appropriate form to tell its stories. For example in the 'previous ( Miss Else , Coconino Press), since the adaptation of a story by Arthur Schnitzler, pays homage to the great artists of the Viennese Secession. So we can find a sudden, explicit references to the imagery of Klimt or Mucha, for to two names. The award-winning work, which has a flavor reminiscent of the graphic England of the sixties, I loved the story especially delicate and sensitive. A bubble can be described as almost an existential novel. "
But a sign that evolves not always run the risk of not being recognized?
"Actually, no. The personality of an author - what we call style, and that a formula is not given once and for all - it comes out very slowly. It 's good to keep working, find ways to express themselves are always different. It means having the ability to reinterpret and not to repeat only empty forms for speech recognition that certainly is related to visibility, which, however, primarily a commercial value. "
And the meaning of the Grand Prix awarded to Art Spiegelman?
"An award that had finally arrived. With Spiegelman won, again, the comic strip and research, what they do not retreat even in the face of self-reflection as a specific language. And Spiegelman, with his being author, scholar and adviser, is a perfect embodiment.
This gives us the opportunity to talk back to the museum. What are the elements that make it so interesting?
"I think that gives an answer satisfactory to the question: how to expose the comic? The mode of presentation is so oriented to the release, allowing a complete and satisfactory use of the material. The original plates are not just hung on a wall. You can get closer to the shrines in order to better appreciate the stroke of pencil or ink, which is important for an insider. But at the same time is all based on the original. There are prints made with care and all of excellent workmanship, the books for which these cartoons were made. So even the simple fan can be started in all phases of a comic book. Had I had the opportunity to have this information when I started to draw, "he adds laughing. "I remember once I went to Bonvi to show him my drawings and he, noting that all written in my balloon was wrong, he suggested to draw some parallel lines in pencil. A simple thing, which I had just thought. "
The visit continues. Stroll through the other visitors, then you sit in one of the spaces dedicated to reading with colorful sofas round tables near where they rested picture books that can be freely consulted. And that's where Lorenzo Mattotti shows us proofs of his forthcoming book: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that he designed when he was 23 years and has been published, but then never reprinted, by Octavian in Publisher 1978.
when you find it in bookstores?
"In France will be released next spring with Gallimard. In Italy we'll see. "
back to Angoulême, what did you find most interesting?
"There is a staff dedicated to Dominique Goblet. I really appreciate his way of drawing. Each section expresses strength, allows you to see the work of the muscles which it is based. Each sign is like a moment of her life put on the page and the resulting narrative is confused with life itself. Then there is the exhibition on Nouvelle Bande Dessinée Belge francophone , of \u200b\u200bwhich Goblet is part of the same. I knew them years ago, during a seminar, when they were all students at the school of Saint-Luc in Brussels. In short, I saw them born, grow and destroy the narrative method and rigor of the classical comic and its codes, to cross over into other areas closer to illustration and painting. The exhibition that sums up their journey. "
On the other hand, the contemporary art exchanges today with so many references to the comic ...
"Yes, but while they pursued a job in the same language of comics, studying first at the bottom rules and then deconstruct them, what I annoys the other side is that you take only the superficial appearance of BD. Because they are a bit of consolidation. The figure has almost disappeared and the painter who designed the image really works, who has the savoir-faire, which are not illustrators, animators and cartoonists. Contemporary art is now more interested in: installation, object, space. "
Silvia Santirosi

Cervix High Before Period Pregnancy 2010

For workers Accenture HRS Bologna, still bad news

ACCENTURE HRS Telecom outsourcing are those who make the payroll and personnel administration for the entire Group Telecom.
The company said it will close offices in Bologna, Turin and Naples to induce workers (mostly women) on the dismissal. Read the press on


Friday, February 25, 2011

Owner's Manual For Fleetwood Wilderness Trailer

I the 38th Festival of Angoulême and the working-class culture. Interview with Alfred.

(Via Po, 19 February 2011)

eight drawings (Alfred, Charles Berberian, Tanxxx, Tebo, Matthieu Bonhomme, Merwan Chabane, Mathieu Sapin, Bastien Vives) and orchestra music (that of Areski Belkasem) here the names of Concert de dessins this year. The hand trace the first signs on a white sheet and at the same moment the first notes filled the air. Thus begins the show in the theater of Angoulême, a small French town that is home for 38 years the most important comics festival in Europe. This year's edition (January 27 to 30) was all in the name of rock'n roll and reflection on working-class culture. It could only be so having regard to the presidency Baru ( L'autoroute du soleil , Poor nullity, The Angry Years Sputnik, only to remember some of his work), the undisputed master of Italian origin French . There are many surprises. The most beautiful? The Palme d'Or for Best Albo won by 5000 kilometers per second (Coconino Press, 2010), Manuele Fior graphic novel, a young talent ours. Not to mention the Grand Prix assigned to Art Spiegelman, a sacred monster of the international BD, author of Maus (this year celebrates 25 years since its first publication), which compares with the tragedy of the Holocaust and with the figure of the father survived Auschwitz.
But back where we started, ie Concert de dessins , an all-French. For an hour or so, these have suffered and rejoiced with the protagonists of the story says: love at first sight between a wrestler and partner of a "gentleman" in the public, love "different" among other wrestlers and the squire himself. Both crowned with a sweet happy ending. We talked with Alfred who is now a veteran of the team. And the talented young Frenchman who has lived for two years in Venice, has just published the book Octave (Tunué, 2010) that combines the comic book series for children created with David Chauvel.
When the idea of \u200b\u200bthe concert shows?
"Zep is the inventor, the creator of Titeuf. When he was president of the 32nd edition of the Festival of Angoulême, had the idea to combine music and comics, two closely related arts. Since 2005, therefore, every year we try to create a new project. "
How to get to the final product?
"There are two phases. Chose the group that will play, writes a story - this year by Charles Berberian - and decided the songs. When this material is ready, it is passed to designers working on the images. Two days before the concert the whole team will get together for a moment of confrontation and this is where the show begins to take shape. A form that is never final, though. Because the fact that all is done live and in the presence of an audience, sometimes require unexpected changes. "
Improvisation plays a key role.
"Thus, although the stage we have to pretend to have everything under control. Although sometimes just do not know where we're going and how will the next vignette. In addition, this year we experienced a new way that I personally have found more fun and a great source of creative energy: there were two tables on the stage and we did back and forth. In four or five we have worked with each image. Usually, however, everyone realized a cartoon and we took turns to the only table on stage. "
And in the end, what remains? You never thought of publishing the drawings made?
"No, not possible. It makes no sense. The goal is not to make a beautiful design. Are five of us on the same page and we have only three minutes. Making mistakes is part of the game and the important thing is being able to bring to life images to communicate something to the audience in the theater. Fun and exchange of emotions is the real goal. "
Silvia Santirosi

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Expired Chicken Broth Year

shows a giant of Italian comic

(Via Po, 19 February 2011)

"A knowing how to live and that I did not know how to move never rejected, nor accepted "commented Andrea Pazienza No. of his publishing house to the history of Pompey , for Pentothal aged alter ego. Why do we remember these words? Maybe not to forget that in addition to the artist, was the man Andrea Pazienza. Here's why. Born in color, paper and canvas, his father was a superb watercolorist, started painting young, stopping as soon as possible. "I could not accept" people say in an interview, "that a part of my complaint could end up in the bedroom of a builder of Monte Silvano." After art school and the period from Pescara, Andrea moved to Bologna where he attended the Dams. It is in those years created the kind of "handbook dell'irrisolto, non-integrated", also priceless testimony of the years of youth protest (among other current as ever in these days). The protagonist of these stories is precisely Andrea-Pentothal, the embodiment of the inability to experience discomfort, split between reality and dream, with his dark sense of persecution that leads to self-destruction. In an attempt to avoid the specter of conformity. Umberto Eco first, Hugo Pratt then give their blessing to these boards. They saw that the light The Extraordinary Adventures of Pentothal (Fandango, pp. 138, € 20.00) that the publisher Roman public in a book with an introduction by Enrico Palandri. Stories of ordinary everyday life where the roommates, classmates (university or corporate), women, even those with the beak of a bird, mix together characters like Buffalo Brill, General George Armstrong Custer, Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Alternating patches of normality to visions metaphysical, all seasoned with a thousand references to art with a capital "(painting by Klimt to metaphysics, to name a few examples). Here then file at lunchtime outside the university cafeteria, which are a counterpoint to deserts or jungles that are lost horizon. "See if you see the end. You see? "Screams a voice off a balloon in the last vignette of a table. Philosophers and prophets have preached for centuries that the sense of something you read through and in light of (its) end. "Always you pay a penalty, every pleasure has its price. The price of a run barefoot on the shore is a bed full of sand, "we read in another story. One of freedom, perhaps life. Andrea Pazienza a price paid in cash. His position as a giant of Italian comic, albeit with feet of clay (genius and frailty, alas, are often accompanied by) being established. Less than an artist cultured and refined. And this book can be "useful" in this sense.
Small final note. There are still those who think that comics are literature, Series B, perhaps because of its hybrid language or novel or painting, but not only (the same holds true for genre fiction). We also know, however, that one must save its contempt given the large number of needy people. Just as taught Chateaubriand.
Silvia Santirosi

Tawnee Stone Breast Size

EUTELIA and 187 (TELECOM) worsens the climate in call-center

two press unit to show how close working conditions in call centers and Eutelia 187 (Telecom Italy) are, it seems incredible turn for the worse, no doubt the situation in Eutelia is not the most optimistic and the unions are looking for a confrontation to save this important TLC. Pure Telecom, operators face every day with 187 free and unwarranted escalation by the company. Read the press on

EUTELIA and 187

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Combact Action Badge Measurements

The role of luck in human life: Festival of filosifia of Modena in 2010

(Via Po, 20 November 2010)

Unexpected creativity, risk theory and techniques of his computability unprecedented tension between the standard and if remedied, gambling and betting, travel and adventure: these are some of the ways in which the theme was declined Fortuna, keyword of ' last Festival of Philosophy in Carpi, Modena and Sassuolo, now in its tenth edition. The fact that we live in a world dominated by uncertainty, both on a personal level (lack of job and emotional) and collective (sunset horizons and ideologies, threatened by overwhelming force in the financial or environmental) that makes a crucial question of fate, favorable and unfavorable, that is, setting the status contingency as the litmus test of the relationship between possible and necessary.
Among the many responses made, two seem to indicate a common horizon of practicality. We are talking of the thoughts that Massimo Cacciari, professor of Aesthetics at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan, and Emanuele Severino, a professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the same University, presented and discussed with the public during can , keynote the first, Fate and freedom, that of the second. A question that, in both cases, part of the language, weakened and worn today by the irresponsible use made of it in the belief that the link between power and knowledge it is the base. Here is that "knowledge becomes more difficult, complex, inaccessible," said Cacciari in his speech, "let alone the will to act." Not to mention that, Severino contends, "the way in which words are made earlier than that expresses a wisdom that is manifested in the use made of it." Here then going back in search of a sense of what is said, a task that linguistics is not only exercise but an attempt to give an account of human speech, itself regarded as action. "The concepts of fate, destiny, have long been in disuse" continues Cacciari, "were undermined by the a chance occasionally. It is therefore to see if you can find a way not to leave anything to chance, but without returning to the visions of type provvidenzialistico. I am convinced that we can act in a way, while having no idea about a general sense of the world and of history. " You should go back to the ancient awareness, memory of Socrates, in short, that "knowledge does not know." Because even in a state of systemic uncertainty may decide, bearing in mind that it is provisional and falsifiable each choice. "The minute this, then" Cacciari concludes, "the decision may be taken in accordance with the principle of as if, regardless of whether possession of a teleology. "
Certainly nothing is more dangerous than the unknown and nothing is more prudent saving a look that pierces the veils of the future, and reassured the man. "That's the myth, and later religions" Severino said, "try to inscribe the pain and the fear of death in a setting that makes sense, anticipating them, makes them bearable. The advent of philosophy tries to fight this conceptualization of the eternal (that is mythical or religious) that changing in fate, it becomes more dangerous than what he originally wanted to defeat. But the profound meaning of liberation, "continued the philosopher, "Lies in the dissolution of things from the relationship with the being and nothingness: for example, when a man is born, it is freed from the bond with anything and when he dies is the release from. Both fate and freedom are but two ways of understanding the oscillation between these two poles. This is why it makes no sense to speak of choice, because we must move beyond these concepts. "
In other words, the invitation to address the two thinkers is not to suffer or escape the crisis, but re-thought to reside. And to test the human condition from the perspective of the human condition itself.
Silvia Santirosi

Tattoo Of Silver Fern


All actions undertaken against the harmful effects of Law 122 transfers from the Special Funds have suffered a setback due to the rejection of amendments that Government representatives from trade unions contacted to raise awareness on the subject had attempted to push inside the decree Milleproroghe (read press).
The struggle continues, however, for other roads, among which promises a huge lawsuit. And in the meantime
ns. category is organizing regional meetings for the workers concerned in the short to mobility and retirement, to do a little 'more clarity in the light of these recent developments.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Covering Letter For Clothing Store

LOOK OUT (Story published on the image) The Lands of

February 6, 2011
returned from Paris and I find in the mailbox the December issue of the journal Imagination .
does not seem to have the mandate or other reviews ... so I open it curious ... who knows, I have included in their address.
The surprise comes on page 8.
They published the story that I sent. The most amazing thing, however, are the two lines under my name, in line with the text:

"Silvia Santirosi is a journalist, writer and poet. His writing like Romano Luperini"

Here. Here the heart has a little gasp.
Romano Luperini!

was 2009.
Exits for the types of Sellerio "The extreme age, and precious little novel by Romano Luperini. The presentation in Naples of the book gives me the opportunity to interview the author. And to meet in person one of the finest literary critics of our beautiful country.
Here is the text of the interview:

interview published in "Il Mattino di Napoli February 6, 2009. In
When submitting extreme age took place in Naples (Italian Institute of Philosophical Studies) on February 6 in the work of Felice Piemontese Antonio Saccone, Silvia Santirosi published this interview. It shows some excerpts, with some minor integration.
Silvia Santirosi:
This story is made of diaries that, rather than constructing a story, to reconstruct fragments of the present age that is changing. An ostensive gesture that seeks to indicate, allude to something without saying it. A visual writing, impressionistic, descriptive rather than narrative.
Romano Luperini:
For me the most important thing was to describe certain moods and emotional situations, to center the intersection between ethics and the existential dimension , the result tends to escape to writing essays. The question that concerns me is the destiny of Western man, an expression that returns even in the subtitle of my latest work, essays, and the case The meeting . The genesis of the two texts is parallel and has its roots in a reflection on the situation after 11 September. The atmosphere of postmodernism, the primacy of language and metaletteratura, the irony of quoting, they are rewriting failed around that date, but now longer feel the urgency of reality, the materiality of the facts and history. My romance is also born from this awareness.
Silvia Santirosi:
A proposed urgency of reality, what do you think of the phenomenon of the New Italian Epic?
Romano Luperini: I
is primarily a journalistic or found a proposal for self-promotion. E 'which are grouped under the label too many different experiences. I do not see what we have in common and Camilleri Ming Wu, or Wu Ming and Saviano. There is an abyss, and in this second case, for example, to the benefit of Camilleri or Saviano.
Silvia Santirosi:
The book talks about a framework of Kirchner, "Summer Davos", the protagonist goes to see the MOMA in San Francisco . Why this choice?
Romano Luperini: A
Kirchner is part of the cover also The meeting and the case . Kirchner is obviously a passion of mine. Under "Winter in Davos" is a man, perhaps an old man dragging a cow on a steep slope, with great stubbornness. A sort of obstinacy, or resistance, even passive, but tenacious. It 's a picture of old age of the protagonist.
Silvia Santirosi:
But the hero himself as passed, as if every action was impossible now ...
Romano Luperini:
I would say that the book is a tragic pessimism, but not surrendered. For example, the female character, Claudine, is there to remind us that "we must make something happen."
Silvia Santirosi:
But Claudine is invoked at the end to help the main character to disappear ...
Romano Luperini:
; Claudine represents the feminine, the womb of birth but also that of death. Can ideally help them prepare for the protagonist, to be accepted by death. What little hope and positivity that is in the book is still entrusted to her. Not for nothing that belongs to a generation later than that of her husband, George.
Silvia Santirosi:
In fact George is the perfect representative of a generation "beyond the despair and hope."
Romano Luperini:
George embodies the nihilism of hilar generation that grew up in the eighties and nineties. Fortunately, the end of history, the primacy of language and so on. I do not seem to be more commonplace. The age of globalization and the postmodern that began in the seventies of course is still going on, but the ideology of postmodernism, that accompanied the birth of this new historical period, it seems outdated.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Buttons On Male And Female

Cancanna: episode # 2

Continue the journey "The Lands of Cancanna"
(the space devoted to children's literature program:)

I and my colleague, Riccardo Di Vanna, we had a guest Alfred , French talent that I had the good fortune and honor to meet in December to "More books, more books" . Presented this book (which is the new edition of its children's series made with David Chauvel).

His work is incredible and the human quality of the artist is as rare and precious. In short, if you do not know, ascoltatevi the bet and then run out and buy his albums!
And I'll tell you a story ... it was 2006, I was in Paris and I bought a comic book in a library that was an adaptation of a novel Roland Topor: Café Panique (Charrette, 2004 ). It was written in the stars I met this author.

"I chose to be an artist because my life is my work, to grow with what I do." Alfred

These other topics covered in the episode:

- details, even those who change life, there was no ... YOU DISCOVER.

Germano Zullo, ill. by Albertine, Birds, Topipittori, 2010,

Some days are different.
may appear any day.
But they have something extra.
Not much.
only a detail.
Tiny .
Usually, if you do not.
Why not a detail is made to be noticed.
But to be discovered.

- the loneliness of the unity and the courage to believe and "working" to achieve their dreams :

Richard Bach, The Jonathan Livingstone Seagull

some reason, the hardest thing in the world is to convince a bird that he is free? and can prove it to himself, just that we put a little 'good will? The freedom you just need to exercise it. But why? Why must it be so difficult?


Herpes On The Chest Transmitted

Vodafone Bologna: Unions to meet company-match

On 2 February, a meeting was held between the unions and the company Vodafone comparison to the traditional indicators of employment, training, quality, productivity and investment in prosperity and security for the headquarters in Bologna. Focus on recovery of employment levels and distorted use of company bonuses and evaluation tools. Read the press release

Friday, February 4, 2011

Can A Sinus Infection Make U Have A Toothache?

MSW ER and Telecom Italy January 28, 2011

On 28 January the RSU Emilia Romagna along with trade unions SLC-Fistel-UILCOM met with the company discussing the draft Cross Activities in the field of AOL, the move to shift workers AOA Analyst / NE.D.WN and the reorganization of departments and credit fraud in mobile telephony. Read the press release

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Frigidaire Aeq6000es2burnt Relay

Baru: Hunger story of life of adolescents (The Unit, 30 January 2011)

The 38th International Festival of Angoulême comic does not disappoint, offering the public who come from all over Europe (and beyond) four intense days: conference concerts, shows, exhibitions of great quality and opportunities to meet loved authors, to get their autographed comic book or maybe crossing them on the street.
Why is the city to mobilize for
Festival, to become a place of celebration and sharing. It gives us the opportunity to meet Baru, the master of French comic book, the author of hits like L'autoroute du soleil (Coconino Press) or The years Sputnik (Kappa editions) that "rejects" the definition of artist.
sottometters not want to see the logic contained in a cartoon species of series B of culture, a product for teens, teens and eternal idiots. Things started to change since the early seventies, he says, and though today the landscape is very different this injury persists. One thing that surprises us, given the situation much worse in Italy.
Baru is passionate when he talks about comics that he is an emotional and synaesthetic: this has never worried too much about the realism of his characters: it is something that comes from her need to tell what has always fed, his life experiences. He tells us he likes to tell stories of adolescent boys, not because I have nostalgia for that period of existence, rather the characteristic trait of youth, "the hunger for life."

A hunger that often is not satisfied and thus creates monsters. For example, in Poor invalidity (Coconino Press, 2010), the graphic novel adaptation of a novel that was founded by Pierre pelota, seems to find the same atmosphere of Fargo, the Cohen brothers' film: that of the descent into the hell of the banality of evil. "Exactly what I wanted to talk," says Baru.
Employment a story set in a small company that lives an industrial disaster, where there is more work for anyone, I was able to dissect the material becomes moral impoverishment, analyzing in depth the logic. Evil is not an abstraction, but something real tied to the collapse of a social structure, human behavior that I believe strongly bound to despair. The characters try to escape the determinism that wants them confined in a precise way, they are alive and want to live differently, and are found to collide with the violence of that system. " A job
black concedes nothing to hope. No crack. A pessimistic view, however, that does not belong entirely to the author that likes to call himself an optimist-pessimist. "Although I believe the basic goodness of human beings "so explains his contradictory position," are discouraged from observing the conditions under which he lives and, therefore, can express its nature. "
His speech is passionate.
"I am convinced, to comment on the contemporary political situation, to which Sarkozy is just a moment. Passenger. And so I hope to Berlusconi's Italy. We live in a society that is still acceptable but also highly at risk. " He continues talking
of his anthropology. "Any person is capable of the worst, yet the man has a chance to fight this trend. It can do with the imagination that is not something innate. Develops and grows in comparison with others and makes the best man. The problem is when there are no stimuli, and closures when barriers prevent this. " A thought that we would say
Socratic . Baru record shared by pushing the rest of the conversation on the same track. This is why Aristotle became the pretext to discuss the link between food and culture. Indeed, for Baru, one can not talk about working class culture, and culture in general, let alone food, "the value of which" is convinced, "depends very much on how it is earned. Take the case of immigrants Italians and their relationship with polenta and pasta.
The first was a food more connected to the idea of \u200b\u200bpoverty, improvement of economic conditions, has been refined and gradually replaced by other food consumption. For this reason the relationship with food, as it is chosen, prepared and presented, has a particular cultural value. is the tangible record of its evolution. " Stumble at every step in the Italian origins of Baru, the father was the Marches, and the same is very much alive in his past and future production.
'The Italians' says, ' are an example of successful integration. Although in the past Rital was a derogatory word to speak Italian (a little 'how to talk about a German Kraut NDA), today took on a tinge of legitimacy. I am a Rital "Baru said, laughing. Why is that? "For the simple reason that immigrants who came after it took place. The Italian immigrants were integrated because they have had the chance to work.
Unlike the Arabs, eg condannanti exclusion today. In other words there is no reason for social inclusion. " No wonder, then, that in future projects there is also the one to tell its story of an Italian family fled during the fascist period, its successful integration and price paid to obtain it. Baru and has no doubts about the title: Hello Beautiful. We can only hope that his publisher agrees.
Silvia Santirosi