And the picture is of a dazzling beauty ...
(The Morning, March 2, 2011)
"We are far from the pieces of the Berlin Wall, at which everyone wanted a little 'dust of history in her salon staff. The Three Graces With is to keep the work in a showcase of the Louvre Museum, the pride of every donor "Thus Frederic Mitterand, Minister of Culture and Communication, said the acquisition by the French State of 'by Lucas Cranach the Elder. This small wooden panel, never exhibited in public, because until now owned by private collectors, will be presented to the public exceptionally Doctors at the gallery (in the Richelieu Room on the second floor of the Louvre) from March 2 to May 30 before reaching the other paintings in Room 8 of the genius of the German Renaissance of the sixteenth century (three portraits, a painting of mythological and Venus). A success, then, the campaign finance underwriting and launched on 13 November. This is a pretty common model in the Anglo-Saxon countries, but not in France. And this experiment, respondents in more than 7000: the figure of one million two hundred thousand euro on the four required (the rest had already been raised thanks to the patronage of business) which was lacking for its acquisition was soon reached. The figures were around 1 to € 1500, with peak donations from 10000 and 40000. The average age of donors was around for 56 years, with the youngest who has a few weeks now and the oldest 101 years. And after giving some numbers to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe operation, we return to the framework.
The Three Graces, as an allegory of abundance of joy and splendor, are one subject since ancient times. Lucas Cranach the Elder, an artist much influenced by the realism of painters from the imagination of the North as the most voluptuous of Italian painting, this panel offers a variation on the theme of 1531 all staff and ironic: Some scholars think, in fact, of a eulogy theological virtues (Charity, Friendship, Loyalty) filled with a sensual and refined eroticism of the naked bodies adorned with necklaces and hats, rather than the symbolism of which we have just discussed. Master in the representation of the female body praised in the absence of this landscape in the background and the flat, dark color, each element is treated in detail: the bun, eyes, rosy cheeks, noses. Not to mention the composition, bold and a bit 'outside the box.
Silvia Santirosi
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