Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bushnell 3200 V. Super Sniper

(Via Po, 18 December 2010)
Poems for soulmates , an anthology edited by Francesca Pansa

- L 'illustration is my drawing of a long time ago ...

A long story of love in the verses of great poets and great poets, and this subtitle Poems for soulmates (Newton Compton, pp. 334, € 7.00) collection edited by Francesca Pansa. Two sections that make up this anthology all devoted to contemporary poetry: the "Wise Men Do" and "Sorcerer's Apprentice", men and women singing love from the perspective of the lover or the beloved, both or no. And there are two things that immediately catch the eye: a clear reference to the literary calendar, by she conceived in 2003 and repeated every year with variations and reinventions, and the idea of \u200b\u200bmagic. The considerations of the Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley were, in fact, the North Star that has guided the course of Francesca Pansa, a path that will not fail to arouse doubts and confusion in the reader: the least begun to poetry will be found to deal with a kind a telephone directory, given the total lack of biographical and critical of the authors. The most experienced can not help but notice the distinguished absent and the abundance of unpublished poems.
What is love? asks Ido - her lover - in the poem Etc. etc.. The Israeli poet Dalia Rabikovitch. Let's step back and then go back to the idea that you want to convey through this anthology: love as "innate need or powers, powerful force," which calls for and demands his soul mate. Therefore a matter of matches, more or less secret, and meeting places and times. An idea that if you look further back, reminiscent of the myth that Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium to tell. The fulfillment of love is, therefore, the finding of a loved one. Eros, the god of love, it would search for what already belongs to us always. A vision certainly comforting, but dystopian. The present collection opens with an essay by Wislawa Szymborska, Nobel Prize Literature in 1996: "What if it makes the world of two people / who do not see the world?". And, in fact, not even the Platonic dialogue not stop at considerations of Aristophanes: Socrates and the shift that begins to tell the others at the ignorance of the teachings dilation Poems for soul mates, an anthology edited by Francesca Pansa
Diotima, the foreign Mantinea. Eros, the son of the god Poros (the gimmick, the ability to achieve what one aspires) and the beggar Penia (poverty), it is instead a "great demon", that is something that is halfway between gods and mortals allowing communication between the two worlds. A voltage down to the other by itself, therefore, not to the basic version and supplementary mirror. Love redeems the flesh, because "units of dispersion, because of the folly of the body. And the worst folly of the body and death.
But still there is no answer to the question, "What is love?". Poetry can teach knowledge about love? As the fairies do the Wizards have the answer to give ordinary mortals. Are added, mixed voices, experiences described, the thoughts. And what remains, in the end, and only the word empty of meaning for excess and lack of life.
various authors, Poems for soulmates (Edited by Francesca Pansa), Newton Compton, Rome 2009, pp. 334, € 7.00
Silvia Santirosi


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