"Democracy, but if he liked it so much because [...], They did not come before? "
This calls for a child his playmate in the evening in which Argentina is celebrating the first free elections.
ask myself doing this kind of budget this 2010. Democracy: the best way that man has invented to organize his civilian life, but also a system (in Italy but not only) in crisis ... with a party system and a ruling class in which there is longer recognizes.
Yet something has moved. We are witnessing a new renaissance civilian? The events of 14 and 22 December are signs you something. We'll see what. It is time for answers, but to lay the questions correctly.
I close with this 2010 article was published in L'Unità, 19 July.
Thus began my association with this newspaper. Born from a meeting a few months before, with its Director: Conchita De Gregorio. A woman, a journalist whom I respect a lot, a rare example of consistency between being and appearing.
Today, preparing this post, I find that on the day of the part, she had spoken in his blog . This happens when you share a worldview. And you work for "change." At least "understand".
"If the inspectorate itself is the subject of concern: who guards the guardians? ". It is curious, but it is one of the questions that you do a ten year old boy in the book of which I speak today in culture: "The lady with the hat" of Hugo Paredero, the Argentine dictatorship told by 150 children from five to twelve years. "The military controlled those who were not military, but then who controlled the military?". "They wanted a lot of money and they were all males. We see that the females do not need the money. " I wonder if he read Michael Serra. The money also serve to females but in fact, I wrote last week in the cracks there are only men. Even among the coup plotters from overwork, only men miserable.
Concita De Gregorio
July 19, 2010
"The lady with the hat. The dictatorship told by children "
pp. 240, € 12.50
Minimum fax, 2010
"They made the tv, so many stages and many other great projects for infrastructure, so the people could say," We win, we win " "Guido says Diego González, 12 years," while there were people who disappeared or were tortured, and while so many other people kept shouting: We're world champions. " These words you read it Lords with the cap. The dictatorship told by children (Minimum Fax, pp. 240, € 12.50), a story of Argentina's coup and the Programme of National Reorganization very special, (including) by Hugo Paredero giving voice to those who are usually invisible and unheard of events co-star: childhood in fact. A real document oral history, turning the memory of the children in the event narrative, the redeems the abstractions upon which adults and enclose the flattening. An opportunity that allows an assessment of the logical construction of speech and thoughts of childhood and, by similarity or difference crossing analysis with that of the adult world here in action gender differences, the weight of Education, family and school, personal experience, Free or not by the violence of history, conservation strategies or neglect of the memory.
The idea was born the night of December 10, 1983. While the celebrated journalist in the restaurant in Buenos Aires Hermann free elections and a return to democracy, he happens to hear the comments of two boys about what's going on, "came the democracy ..." says the first, "but if he liked much, "replied the other," because they did not come before? ". The die was cast. Start now collecting the work: the military coup, the thousands of disappeared s, a country split in half (the hit and saved), the victory World Cup 1978, the war against England Falkland Islands. These are the facts of the micro and the comments of the 150 children interviewed, 90 males and 60 females aged between 6 and 12 years, from all walks of social and economic. And the chorus of the precise lines of interpretation emerge. Take the case of those circuses without panem described by González. "I think the military persisted in their views of killing and stealing, and the happy ignorant people" continues "because this is not a nuisance and is quite easy," he, the "distraction" for manipulating the law for palliation a nation brought to its knees by the economic crisis and unemployment, because "with the enthusiasm for football, people forget the rest." "I watched the World Cup was quite delighted, 'says Lorena Ingrid Berman, 12 years," but there were many mothers who thought their children and wondered: what'll be happening? Some people could see the children disappear, and the others were so busy cheering the World Cup they could not do anything. " But what fun is that someone else makes an argument for an apology, "is good for people to get distracted," says Sebasti á n Rizzitano Emanuel, 11 years old, "because today we all agree. It means that the military government was not so bad ", even to celebrate, the World Cup, as a step toward their regained freedom, " facts, "says Emilio Quiroz, 12," for un'Argentina democratic. "
When he began, Hugo Paredero was convinced that children would know how to interpret the reality better than adults. And to come full circle, now is working on a documentary that will gather again to their voices, men and women between 27 and 35 years. It will be interesting to see what will emerge from the short circuit between the words and deeds of the past, their lives, today.
Silvia Santirosi
December 22, La Sapienza University, Rome.
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