Sunday, December 23, 2007

What To Do Baby Belly Ache

The bumblebee, the helicopter and the moon

(burlesque in rhyming quatrains)

The bumblebee does not know aerodynamic
And despite the weight, it is claimed without Closca;
wheels, and do not see the outcry the check-list
Unaware continues to fly without the specialist .

demons that control, dismantle and clean
contribute to the safety of their pilot;
true masters of lift and dexterity
dimano Calibrated and tightening security. The pilot

appreciate why so many in the
rejects inexperience govern the helicopter, the user study;
And when the use is awkward and unusual
A notice in the headset draws on time.

course manual and all worn out fan,
But the rivalry's specs are Lecera,
And while the helicopter hovered in the air has run
Pensan if the cards are well recorded.

And if the dragonfly to balance the technical
stop ... sorry a single question will be:
Although the helicopter pilot has run As stolen
with duty, I've saved the form. Make sure

well done! While, I'm fucked up!

Letters To A Depressed Person

bring them your light.

In Progress ->

Saturday, December 22, 2007

How To Master Bate In Bed


The Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth.
Stages lunar describe the different aspects that the Moon shows during its motion, caused by its different orientation relative to the Sun
are represented by the satellite earth illuminated by Sole.Vi are four basic positions and four intermediate phases: New Moon ( or conjunction or new moon phase), Crescent Moon (Gibbous) First quarter, gibbous growing, full moon (or phase opposition or full moon), waning gibbous, Last Quarter, Waning Moon (hump on the east).
The term "quarter" refers to the position of the moon in orbit around the earth, those two positions from the earth is visible half hemisphere. with the new moon, the Moon is interposed between Earth and the Sun: it rises in the morning and sets in the evening. If you align with the Earth and the Sun has a 'solar eclipse. In quadratures or quarters, the line between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun, forming an angle of 90 ° to the first quarter rises at noon and sets at midnight last quarter rises at midnight and sets at noon. With the full moon, the position of the Earth is between Sun and Moon rises and sets in the evening to morning. If you align behind the shadow of the Earth's lunar eclipse. Conjunction and opposition are called "syzygies" (or "sigizie). The Moon revolves around the Earth in 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes and 11 seconds. The lunar month (full cycle of phases) has instead a period of 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 3 seconds. The difference is due to the fact that in the meantime both the Earth and the Moon are advanced along the Earth's orbit and its alignment with the Sun has changed. Large
relief occupies the Moon in scientific explanations, but also in popular beliefs: The Moon and the female menstrual cycle are closely linked because the woman's body is sensitive to the lunar phases: the synodic cycle of the moon, as mentioned, is 29-day, twelve hours and 44 minutes and the woman's cycle can vary from this and be slightly shorter or longer, thus corresponding to different phases of the moon. Most of the women because they interact This cycle in two ways: their menses coincide or are very close to the moon or full moon with the black, or, when the Moon is for two or three days in the same constellation of the Sun and, therefore, is full, but in the opposite direction. This happens every month and at this stage, the Moon joins the Sun, as we celebrate the symbolic marriage between male and female, the archetype of the night (sensitivity) and light (vitality). Words like lunatic
are derived from Luna because of the popular belief that it is a cause of periodic insanity. For fishermen need to fish more in the nights of full moon because the moon attracts the fish to the surface, while the farmers claim the must go put in the barrels in the new moon, to turn it into wine. In the gardens, then, the Moon occupies a very important role: you must always sow crescent moon because the plants grow faster. It is also still widespread belief of the increase in births during the waxing moon. In medieval mythology, the full moon is an important one: the werewolves are transformed in the light of the moon and witches gather for their parties, usually in May, during the full moon.
The moon also has its influence on the tides. These large bodies of water (oceans, seas and great lakes) that rise (flow, high tide) es'abbassano (ebb tide) also of 10-15 meters, mainly due to two factors: the gravitational attraction exerted by the combined Sun - Moon on Earth, but with a clear prevalence of the component of the Moon because of its shorter distance (Newton's law of universal gravitation), the centrifugal force due to rotation of the Earth - the Moon around the center of gravity. Thus, the high tide occurs at the same time, the passage of the moon on the meridian opposite. Usually, the tides have a frequency related to the passage of the Moon and, therefore, about 12 hours. Phenomena similar to the "standing waves" (the tidal wave can be considered an extended, this tidal wave of length equal to the Earth's semi-circle, with periods of 12 h 25 min), mean that in some coastal areas there is no ocean tide, as in some northern European seas). While usually the tide times vary from day to day, as the change in the organization of the Moon. There are places (eg Pacific Ocean) where the tides are always in the same hours.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

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The Love Letter

Inspired by the society around us, I tried putting in an Italian more or less understandable, some thoughts that can be shared by those who love ... the jokes. Also, if there are, again, scribes, you can try to write a love letter like this, a girl to win. Then, if you're there, ask them to read your poem and a line is not a line, you may change your mind ...

I write with deep and immense pleasure to tell you of my joy in cu -
hours, for the happiness of being able to show and only her, the great and good - the
, valuable inspiration of my caring love, a pledge of strong, bana -
lissimo, extravagant, drawing-room meeting with her, when his heart and from if -
no, he said will, naturally, open, because never before had felt pu -
erpera against a man of his own, to love, madly, but like St. -
ravines modest, much to ask of sublime poetry vibrant den -
Samento, traces that remain invisible but indelible taste of dolcias -
against her, quartermaster of pleasure-seeking hedonism. We walk together, then, his gardener -
dinette, spacious and promiscuous, sublimating the entrancing walks in the car -
rettiera, with phrases like: how nice! Go higher, more! Enthusiastic about his fi -
figure, watching her perceived subliminal messages of love, then removed the to -
ga, I proceeded to make her happy by sending the conclusion of his poetry -
thin face and it was then that the poem went d ' intensity, look at the eyes, from behind
. Me, simply said, more, more! Exhausted after her rot -
EATA around me, looking into her eyes, I've seen in a vision of ecstasy -
CT all, I had a great vision, which could be summarized in one word: CA -
characteristics and representative expression of a vibrant, passionate, mystical, I know -
Spain, because, rightly, wants, to the end, what is his by divine right, against -
Vare love right, the right man to live a ' irrepressible love as laughter - and risaiola
ia. Determinants one another, for the success of the menage.
And, then, but it ... Follow your heart!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

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Back to the Future Questions

Once upon a time the courtship, now remote art among the youth of today. Not long ago, was made of serenades in the moonlight, love letters, languid eyes, kiss me, flattery, and bouquets of flowers. Today, according to many girls, the boys are in a hurry, too direct and not very original and, if the first approach does not work within 8-10 minutes, give up. This time limit that young people spend approach: approach, with no eyes or other game, offer something quite trivial, like a drink, and if you do not realize that they have a chance, drop out. And it gets better when you switch on foreplay, young boys appear to be clumsy, unable to kiss and if faced with a brassiere to be in crisis. For him, the girls never know what they really want to give absolutely contradictory messages: ah! The superficiality of the disease nowadays. It falls short, the double myth of the macho Italian and perfect Casanova. In fact, courtship Casanova provided that, to win the heart of a woman, the effort could last weeks if not months. Other times!
not much better even on the front. The girls now no longer know the arts of seduction are aggressive, confuse seduction with vulgarity. A collapse, then, any possibility of approach is also non-existent or, perhaps, hidden femininity. Ergo, men are selfish, unimaginative, completely unable to interpret the wishes and needs of women. Therefore, the approaches are increasingly difficult in the society of appearances, made of continuous search for what perhaps does not exist, until it calms the sea in storm, in hopes of noi.Si, then a return to 'old gentleman who want to and / or know how to dare to be and not through the appearance, such as the use of tedious and tiresome writing, on time, reveals our character and our ... conditional. In short, we share with love letters and then to follow, all the rest ... But beware, the ancient technique amanuensis, to whom we are no longer used, is a mirror of our personality. Small, very small one must be careful. Big and round is equivalent to positivity, energy, translated: the woman is solar and vital man is dark and gray.

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the tooth. Readings

Friday, November 23, 2007

First Response Early Light Second Line


"History of the unstoppable controversial fortunes of the Aglianico wine in the world"

not even know all the fuss this summer Gaetano Cappelli unconsciously had managed to raise.

Maybe I was too taken by the crown, not to notice the debate unleashed around this book, and pay more attention to the 'Affaire Hats. "

I do not do reviews of D'Orrico my bible, I understand if the hat is really Philip Roth Italian interest me much.

The novel, however, runs really speaks Lucan, and smells of Basilicata.

Just enough to be read.

thanks to his brother who left it unattended in my bookshelf. Report

Friday, November 16, 2007

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be democratic, what does it mean?
Everyone keeps telling us, from right and left, that if we do not behave in a certain way we are not democrats. But what is meant by democracy?
If I wanted to immigration made up of honest workers, I would not be democratic because it allows into our country people "different" from us;
If I did not want immigration made up of honest workers, I would not be democratic, it'd be a racist;
If I do not tolerate illegal immigration and delinquency, I would not be democratic, because it authorizes tougher laws and enforcement, not worthy of a democratic country;
If I wanted a creative and ethical finance (without climbing, cordate, Consob, the Guarantor, bag, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, derivatives), I would not be democratic because they exclude a large part of society by living off of honest workers and producers of goods;
If I did not want the crucifix to school (so says our Constitution, which recognizes different denominations and not just Catholic) I would not be democratic, with the aggravating circumstance of not being, not even a Catholic, because I agree with a reciprocity does not exist in other countries, from which many immigrants
If I wanted a crucifix to school (keeping true to tradition and not the Constitution), I would not be democratic because they exclude the other, as our, by now, a countries with strong immigration
If I wanted more protection and safety, public and private, would not be democratic because it would ask the Police, through restrictions of freedom, enhanced protection;
If I did not want more public and private security, I would not be democratic, because it authorizes illegal immigration and crime,
If I wanted the freedom and self determination of peoples, I would not be democratic, because there were Win (...);
If I did not want freedom and self determination of peoples, I would not be democratic, because I would be for dictatorships;
If I were in favor of drugs and alcohol, I would not be democratic, because I agree to young people and self-destruction, not only, and the social control of the lower classes;
If I were not in favor of drugs and alcohol, I would not be democratic, because it authorizes indiscriminate repression;
If I wanted to be myself, I would not be democratic, because I would not be what society wants;
If I did not want to be myself, I would not be democratic, because that would the company wants, but not what I am.
Ergo! Right, left, communist, fascist, Catholic, a mass of "fetienti.
I am a reed in the wind!

Friday, November 2, 2007

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

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  • • SignorLobo.
  • Tuesday, October 9, 2007

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    Lucania for Burma.

    promoting and advertising the initiative who are carrying out sirdrake
  • and some other bloggers willing Lucania.
  • (The least I can do)
  • h.18.30 - National Archaeological Museum Dinu Adamesteanu MEETING WITH THE CULTURE BURMA Poetry and prose by authors Burmese
  • h.21.00 - Largo Pignatari
    solidarity concert '
    With bands Basilicata: Musicamanovella The scientifically Bandog Peter Basentini Ambassadors Lucani
    ... and maybe another surprise! The entire event will be broadcast live via internet streaming.

    Monday, October 8, 2007

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    Mon Cheri. Basilicata

    persist. But someone really eat them?

    • SignorLobo.

    Thursday, October 4, 2007

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    There are times, deemed too important of his life which would normally reserve for themselves. In these moments it is thought to exist by themselves and abstract thinking and general all-realist synthesis leads to, like, I do not care about politics, I do not care of temporary work, I do not care of the Head Office, I do not care of people dying every day, I do not care in America, Russia, China, I do not care of the civil war, imperialism, I do not care, I do not care of communism, dictatorships do not care, I do not care of Marx, Lenin, Mussolini, I do not care workers, pensioners, I do not care of the banks and high finance. I can not stand the living room of the Vespa, can not stand the tivvù which numbs the conscience, can not stand in line and out of journalism by the news ... These moments, reserved only for themselves, belong to all of us, where ego supersedes everything and the slogan became: I do not care, I do not care, I do not care. Well! Those moments, however, if they last a long, relatively long, you see only his own life, I tell you that in those moments is now repulsed by the reality of civil society, family, friendship and love. Courage.

    Wednesday, October 3, 2007

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    for legality.

    Basilicata TOGETHER

    for Legality '


    regional Associations, groups, movements, since

    20 Thursday, October 4 2007 - 20:00 House Quadrifoglio
    University of Basilicata
    Francioso District, POWER.
    In direct television link with the transmission of RAI 2

    • SignorLobo.

    Saturday, September 29, 2007

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    And all to watch your ass and think: "How can it be?".

    • SignorLobo.

    Tuesday, September 25, 2007

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    burlesque in rhyming quatrains (Spend a couple of friends engaged)

    Man seriously, put down and the only available
    s talk, alone and unique.
    comes from Bergamo Miki, but here he stopped
    To give prestige to this village. Mari

    so beautiful, sensitive and modest
    Who knows become fast friends
    but she has heart for the animal today than yesterday
    and if someone mistreats them call the Police immediately.

    Their house is beautiful, spacious and welcoming
    With Matilda, cats can and environment;
    all to look at the paintings on the divan, siedon evening while he
    place without blasphemy and despair.

    Today we are married, but only in common
    Since he has already had one, but
    Love is blind and has the dart body and
    , this couple, my heart was inflamed.

    must satisfy the every whim
    If you agree with her wish to go. The
    soon ask a brilliant
    And he thinks, is cheaper than the lover!

    Here it gets rough and the scribe
    you better shut up
    And you will want to dismiss
    With a little salute individually.


    Saturday, September 1, 2007

    Electrostatic Masterbation

    Venosa I love you.

    Rocco insists that " love "my country too


    not wrong.

    's true. By its nature, also " love you", who "loves" me as
    And we are many. fact in this month or so I realized that maybe "love" too few people.

    With those few, however, I accidentally found us "love" together.

    Almost every day. For forty days.

    E ' was great, wonderful, exciting. We did it in different places. Sometimes the streets, sometimes in the garage, sometimes on some forum.

    It was not easy. Each had normal

    how past experiences are not easy to forget and to reconcile with our new and unexpected love story.


    precautions we have used. Too many. Sometimes too much. were not enough.

    We "got pregnant
    " the same. The pregnancy was not easy. Labor

    it was even less. Pero '
    eventually led
    . And 'well born.

    The Tarlo we called .

    They have all spoken.
    I have talked so much.
    They talked too much.

    It 's small, it is normal to bother!

    For now it seems to grow well.

    told me that he "loves" Venosa.

    So I can not "love".

    Ultimately, it is also my son. • SignorLobo.

    Monday, August 13, 2007

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    E 'Nato.

    • SignorLobo.

    Monday, July 2, 2007

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    Italy a naive dreamer

    E 'became a national sport, preferred by most Italians, criticize policy, in general, and its costs. Well! All right! Provo, however, as a result of a "dream", rather than criticize and always vote the same way, to establish a kind of handbook on how to ... I wanted to see Italy and as I wish the national and local policy.
    1. Justice: the conversion of the "prisons" in "institutions for social rehabilitation," directing the "guests", according to their inclinations, to work, whether manual, intellectual, artistic and professional. Via a life sentence! Maximum penalty of 20 years to be served in all institutions for rehabilitation. For minor offenses the punishment has to be social, and educational services through community work, such as: cleaning the roads, monitor and clean up the woods, helping the poor, the elderly, etc. ...
    2. Education and research: to enter, as well as the material bases, since the primary, the first form of the game, then in a scientific way, the teaching of subjects such as: the Constitution Italian, driver education, sex education, civic education. Sport, to which the institution must be the prerogative of all children up to 16 years (from a higher initial cost for the state to benefit even better for people, closed in apartment-prisons and the NHS). High schools must have the same two years and training for all, after it follows the path chosen and their inclinations. Research should be encouraged on all fronts without limits. Italy must get back to excel in things they do best and do not always go to the trailer (a bit of national pride, by golly!).
    3. Interior and defense: a single ministry, called the interior, which has at its bosom a Department for national defense, to be activated only in case of violations of national borders. The missions abroad, the Department of COMPETENCE, must be exclusively of peace, as stated in our Constitution. The interior must have met the three national police forces, subject to the specifications of each body (to limit the color of his uniform). At local level the municipalities should be organized with a local police acting, if necessary, also from National Guard and civil defense employed by the interior.
    4. Job: work, as the Constitution says, must be encouraged and protected in all forms, flexibility must be intended solely to increase and improve their personality, not of insecurity or exploit the worker. We do not enter the world of work if not before they have reached a level of culture to high school (at least diploma). The culture sets us free.
    5. Transport and Energy: all routes, networks, communication channels and all forms of energy use to be state owned. The government issues licenses for the use and operation thereof.
    6. Agriculture and industry: sustainable use of land through organic farming and quality, the industry needs to convert 80% (just refrigerators, televisions and various strange things to be replaced every two years, because they are obsolete) and focus on 'high quality products, produced without any pollution or land use, soil, sky and sea. The Italian geography informs us that ours is a country with an agricultural vocation (ergo, agriculture and breeding of quality), travel (8000 km of coastline, docet!) And 80% of the world's cultural and architectural available. Let's stop with the bullshit of industrial power and a resounding "NO" to the industrialists and financiers without ethics and morals of this country).
    7. Economy: the socialization of the means of production has failed, vulgar capitalism has failed, capitalism with a human face, preached by John Paul II, never took off. I see as the only way forward, the shareholder business, made exclusively between serious entrepreneurs (via the laws that create crafty of the neighborhood. Ricucci is only a martyr than all the others), managers, employees and workers, that the interest of one is the best interest of all . The money must be owned by the people (see link Giacinto Auriti), on the notes may not be the symbol of the ECB and no signature and the ECB can not print money and lend to the government at face value without securing anything in return (eg . gold). The money must be an instrument of measure of goods and services produced in the country, must be issued by the BI, on behalf of the ECB, without debt, because it is owned by us and must be signed by Head of State who represents us.
    rid of all the laws and rules of the economy as they are today. They are very well represented by a sentence of banker Jacob Rothschild: "Very few people understand the system and those who understand will be busy making money. The public probably will not understand that it is against its interest."

    Tuesday, April 10, 2007

    The Bait Bus Mediafire

    The U.S. and Thermopylae

    I saw the movie, with a few final note, I prefer to bring the story of the Battle of Thermopylae which took place in 480 BC between an alliance of city -Greek state and the Persians.
    Xerxes I, king of Persia years he was prepared to resume the war against Greece started by his father Darius I. In 484 BC the army and the ships of Xerxes arrived in Asia Minor, built a pontoon bridge Hellespont at Abydos, crossing it. The Greek city states were able to agree to face danger and formed an alliance led by Sparta, commanded by King Leonidas, and prepared to block the advance of the Persian army in northern Greece at the narrow pass of Thermopylae. The passage is flanked on one side by steep mountains on the other from the sea and was therefore suitable for defense. The initial detachment
    Spartan Leonidas and his bodyguard, composed of 300 hoplites (soldiers equipped with heavy weapons: shield bronze, iron short sword and long spear), 2,800 and about 900 Peloponnesian helots, were joined by reinforcements from other cities including 700 from Thespis, 400 from Thebes, 1000 Phocaean and also from Tegea, Mantinea, Orchomenos, Corinth, Phlius, Mycenae and other cities of Arcadia and Boeotia, for a total of 3900 hoplites followed by their squires that served as light infantry. Soldiers were told that they were only the vanguard of the greek army who would join them soon. The Greek forces, for a total of only seven thousand men, the battle in August of 480 BC, Leonidas was to keep as much as possible to give way to the rest of the Greek cities to gather their troops and ships. Xerxes did not believe that so small a force would be able to oppose it, and gave the Greeks five days to withdraw. At the same time also its fleet could not move fast vessels blocked by the Athenian Themistocles was in command. When some of the Persian army deserters (mostly Greek enrolled by force) had stated that the Medes were so many as to obscure the sun with their arrows, the Spartans answered that at least would fight in the shade. These past five days, since they showed an intention to leave, Xerxes sent his troops into the pass, but every wave was rejected. The Persians attacked with arrows and short spears, and they could not break armed formations of the Greek hoplites, as mentioned, with long spears. The first wave to arrive on the Greeks was that of the medium controlled by Tigranes, who attacked with enthusiasm but were repulsed with heavy losses. The second wave of soldiers from Susa was equipped with a large shield, but they failed. Also tried to circumvent the enemy side of the coast, but many fell from the cliffs. The next day, Xerxes to field its elite troops, the ten thousand Immortals, commanded by Idarne that they had no better luck. The Greeks fought in turn allowing himself a bit 'off from that massacre, he collapsed on the floor stained with blood and sweat and then get up and go fight. After the second day of fighting, a greek named Ephialtes (in American films always tell the traitors) defected and betrayed the Greeks by informing Xerxes of a newly created different path to overcome the pass of Thermopylae. The road was defended by the Phoenicians who had been posted on that pitch two days before, when the Greeks were aware of this alternative step, they do not expect an attack from the Persians. The Phoenicians offered little resistance before fleeing allowing the Persians to advance unchallenged. Leonidas realized that any resistance would be useless. On August 11, withdrew all but 300 Spartans, along with the contingent led by Thespis Demofilo who stayed to help the Spartans in the suicide attempt to delay the advance the Persians. Leonidas also had a contingent of Thebans, but after some fighting betrayed them in favor of the Persians. When asked the Persians to hand over their arms, Leonidas shouted that they had to come collect. Despite more than twenty thousand deaths among the Persians, including two brothers of Xerxes (Habrocomes and Hyperanthes), Leonidas was eventually killed, four times his body was caught four times by the Persians and the Spartans recovered. Exhausted, the Greeks took refuge on the hill overlooking the Thermopylae to protect the body of their fallen king. Xerxes ordered them to be finished with bows not to lose any more men.
    Today on the site of the battle there is a monument on it is reported words attributed to Simonides reported by Herodotus: "O traveler, today announced the Spartans that here we lie for obeying their words."
    Some Notes intuitive. Little live action, computer graphics and a lot of digitized sond effect, so that they can imagine a battle to play station.
    The message is always the same, even more relevant today: the Americans renewed the invitation, even playfully, to the people of their own, reluctant European partners to form an alliance and / or strengthen the alliance against a common enemy for up conbattere at the end, like them, with valor and sacrifice against the opponents of democracy and freedom in Iraq, Afghanistan and anywhere you want.

    Saturday, April 7, 2007

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    E 'Easter! Dream and reality

    Sunday of the Christian Easter is mobile, is fixed from year to year on the Sunday following the first full moon after all 'Spring Equinox, March 21, from the fourth century. In previous centuries there were several local customs on the date to follow, though they are all related to the calculation of Passover. In particular, some churches in Asia followed the tradition of celebrating Easter on the same day the Jews, regardless of Sunday, and were, therefore, these Quartodecimans. This gave rise to a dispute, such dispute Quartodeciman among the church of Rome and the churches in Asia.
    The Catholic Church chose the date of Easter (according to the Gregorian calendar, introduced by Pope XIII, 1582) between March 22 and April 25. In fact, if there's a full moon on March 21 and Saturday, will be the day after Easter, March 22, but if it's Sunday, Easter Sunday will be the following Sunday, March 28. Conversely, if the full moon is March 20, the next one will occur on April 18, and if this day was a Sunday should wait for the event next Sunday, that is April 25.
    The Orthodox Church, however, follows the Julian calendar, sponsored by Julius Caesar in 46 a. C., and based on the cycle of seasons, then the date of Easter can vary from 4 April to 'May 8 and the difference with the Catholic Easter is 13 days.
    Easter is preceded by a preparatory period of abstinence and fasting, which lasts forty days called Lent beginning on Ash Wednesday, the last week of Lent is called Holy Week, a time full of celebrations and dedicated to silence and contemplation. It begins with Palm Sunday which recalls Jesus' entry into Jerusalem: here was triumphantly welcomed by the crowd that waved in greeting the leaves of palm trees. For this reason in the Catholic Church during this Sunday, are distributed to faithful of the blessed olive branches (the sign of Christ's passion).
    The last days of Holy Week marks the end of Lent and the beginning of the Easter Triduum. The Mass on Thursday morning is the Chrism Mass, when the bishop consecrates the holy oils (chrism, oil of catechumens) and Oil of the Sick), the oils that will be used throughout the course of the year compared to celebrate baptisms and confirmations , and ordered the priests to celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. The ninth hour of Holy Thursday ends the season of Lent and the Easter Triduum begins on the evening of Thursday, with the Lord's Supper Mass, this memorial of the Last Supper is eaten by Jesus during his earthly life, which were established in the Eucharist and the priestly ministry and was delivered to his disciples the commandment of love. During the Mass there is the traditional washing of the feet and are 'linked' bells (bells can not play by the Gloria of the Mass on Thursday evening at the Gloria of the Easter Vigil). This day is also tradition, not certified by the doctrine, making the romantic tour of the seven churches, going to worship the graves arranged in seven neighboring churches. Good Friday is not the Eucharist is celebrated: the liturgy focuses sull'adorazione Cross and the Via Crucis. On Holy Saturday, the only day of the year where you do not administer Communion except as food for the journey, is focused on expectations the solemn Easter Vigil is celebrated between sunset Saturday and sunrise of the New Day. Holy Saturday is also the only day of the year with no liturgy, and is therefore called "aliturgico. Not only can not be given Communion, but not even celebrate Mass and, usually, the tabernacles in the church are wide open and free of the Blessed Sacrament. What is stored in the sacristy. The altars are bare, no flowers and vestments and a sense of mourning pervades the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe temple.
    The Christian Easter is intimately related with the Jewish, which celebrates the deliverance of the Jews from Egypt by Moses. The word Easter actually means passage: Pesach appears in the Torah (Old Testament). God announces to the people of Israel enslaved in Egypt, which he will deliver him and orders the Israelites to mark their doorposts with the blood of the lamb. For the Jews is the transition from slavery to freedom for Christians and the physical and spiritual death to the new eternal life. The two main commandments related to Pesach are: eating of matzah (unleavened bread) and the prohibition of eating any food which contains the yeast during the entire period of the festival. In ancient times there was a third: the tender lamb on the evening of day 14 of the Hebrew month of Nissan and eat that same night of the Passover sacrifice. The commandments have been transformed into a special meal called the seder is celebrated in the first two nights of the festival, only the first day in Israel.

    Monday, March 19, 2007

    Nc20 Which Revlon Shade

    After a trek with my loved ones and old shoes, I was sitting on top of a hill and gazed at the landscape in front and below. Beautiful! Green hills, distant mountains, hypsometric tints to light-dark and white hat. Below, a river of rushing waters, fought her battle through vortices, eddies, sudden detours, but never out of his secret, protected from the banks. Next to me, sitting in an angelic woman. Now I thought to be in the afterlife and that he was taken by the hand, by Angelico girl, to be accompanied and introduced in the presence of the Divine, in the immaterial world. Meanwhile, I saw myself from above and Beatrice, I listened to our conversations, I was amused! The words were clear: are you ready? The big event awaits you. I'll tell you something important, pay close attention. Meanwhile, soft music echoing in the valley. Sure ... but what do we do? Where to? Thrill, watching myself from above and pleasant waiting in trepidation. Then, suddenly, a loud noise, everything was gone, I woke up the "nap" in the afternoon, angry dall'aspirapolvere, led with skill by the owner. My wife I was inviting, for a while ', to leave the "station". I realized it was a dream! I rubbed my eyes, I riassettai, I got up and I arranged to return to work. But that dream! in, out of the dream, aware as I spoke to sleep and dreamed beautiful landscapes.
    I believe that dream, even with open eyes, is one of the mysteries of life that help us to continue our existence to the outcome preordained.

    Friday, March 9, 2007

    Costco Giant Christmas Ball

    II. The evolution ... female

    Following the noblest achievements, a woman, today, after many vicissitudes, has claimed his rightful place in male-dominated society, post-modern, succeed in the business with equal dignity and rights (logical, given their practical sense of things). In biological terms, however, established that the female sexual organs in order to procreate and its secondary sexual factors are used to attract a partner and raise children, the woman, perhaps unwittingly, has set itself in competition with man, confusing the role that nature has imposed, with positive law. Just fight for their rights, in the workplace, unfair and misleading to claim equal in nature, due to strong intrusions into predetermined roles for each sex. Role that does not allow equal in any species of the animal kingdom, to which we belong. The result? Bad! Given that, the other half the sky, becoming increasingly aggressive and less prone to the establishment and development of a family, turned his attention increasingly to the same sex, or deals with sex tourism trips, to places, "Males", contemplating the night of life, more and more alone. The man, in turn, frightened by such great aggressiveness, retires, increasingly, from his duties, preferring, he too, same sex, or foreign women, from different geographical framework western and more prone to starting a family .
    The future scenario, which presents itself, he sees a post-modern society, without, first, by international marriages, intercultural and inter-religious and greater attention to same-sex other, the formation of new fierce Greek warrior.
    Amazon, yes! But without mutilation of the right breast, though!

    Wednesday, March 7, 2007

    Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Vids

    Greetings ladies!

    The origins of International Women's Day, are strangely controversial. Even the history books provide different versions: some say that the Day of Women was established by the UN to commemorate the 129 workers, mostly Italian and Jewish descent, died in the fire of the Cotton New York (or Chicago?) the March 8, 1908. Who writes It was founded in Copenhagen, 29 August 1910, during the International Conference of Socialist Women (among other things, the alleged headquarters was demolished in those days), in memory of the great strike of textile workers in New York, which attended by 30,000 women, 8 March 1848. Other sources claim that it was Rosa Luxemburg (Polish Socialist woman, a Jewish family, in opposition to the reformers of the time, because, as an alternative to social reform, arguing for the dictatorship of the proletariat, but classy and not a small minority of managers in the name of the class) to proclaim the International Day of Struggle. In any case, this Day is not a party. It is a day of struggle, reflection and challenge. I always sorry to see so many mimosa trees destroyed and I never understood why you have to buy or give away the yellow bunch, to remind the "Men of Power", the problems of women. This would be enough to show individual data alone, that Otto is not a party in March. I do not understand, either, because many women take this day as if it were a carnival, to release the accumulated aggression at home with her husband, her children, to work with colleagues, with the employer and "forgiveness" on the evening of ' Eight in March, in squalid outputs with the theme: cheesy male strip shows and banquets. And to think that Only recently, a report by Amnesty International, we learned that one billion women worldwide each year are beaten, raped, mutilated, murdered by boyfriends, husbands, friends and family.
    The Otto is a holiday in March? Let us meditate on the figure and, anyway, good luck to all!

    Monday, March 5, 2007

    Why Would Veins Be Showing Up On My Breasts?

    I. The evolution ... female

    Donna comes from the Latin domna, syncopated form of domination, that mistress. Until the end of the thirteenth century the term used to mean "woman" was "female", but then took off in Tuscany using "woman", and from there the word spread throughout Italy. The women were often discriminated against in many cultures around the world who recognized their abilities and roles limited to procreation and the upbringing of the child and the family.
    At first civilization in Mesopotamia (Egypt, Persia, Assyria, Babylon), the woman had a very high position in society. In these places was also a matriarchy, and then, with the rise of monarchies, the military lost prestige and they began to form the harem, from which women could not go out and where they could see no man except the eunuchs of her husband.
    In ancient Greece, the rich woman was kept at home, while poor women were forced to work and then, paradoxically, had a certain freedom. The women had no political rights, could not, therefore, vote or be elected as members of the Assembly, during the age of the poleis and were not subject to legal legislation. A woman was not guilty, for example, the crime of adultery, unlike man, because it was deemed an "object of the offense." The home life was very different from today. The woman spent much time in contact with the mother of her husband, in the harem, and it had a primary role on his education. In Greece, in addition, wives who were dedicated exclusively to the education of legitimate children, the concubines who had stable sexual relationship with a man and a companion for pleasure. There were prostitutes who carry out their operation in the streets or in brothels. Occupied the last "step up the social ladder.
    In ancient Rome, however, she was considered almost equal to man, for example, both parents had equal obligations towards their children and she could accompany her husband to a party, as long as he ate sitting and not lying was the norm for men. Some, though, the limitations posed by the Roman law to the legal capacity of women: they did not have the votes and the ius ius honorum, which prevented them from access to public courts. In the field of private law was also denied women the country potestas, the exclusive prerogative of the pater familias, and consequently the ability to adopt children.
    Christianity, then, forced submission of women to men, but was considered important as the children grow spiritually. With the arrival of the barbarian Franks and Lombards in Italy, women's conditions worsened. It was, in fact, an object in the hands of his father, until he decided to sell it to a man. However, after the thousand years, with the advent of the "dolce stil novo, the woman is" angelic "and regarded as a mediator between God and man (Beatrice, docet!). During the Inquisition some women were considered representatives of the Devil on Earth (the so-called witches) able to deceive the man pushing him to sin in any way. Becoming
    , one of the finest modern literature's assertions that binds in some way, to literature "angelic" dolce stil de novo, it is perhaps that of Dominique Lapierre, in The City of Joy "Women are the other half of heaven. " Moving from this statement, the women of today, with demonstrations feminist, demanded and obtained a gradual change towards gender equality. The first milestone was the achievement of the right to vote the suffragettes who fought. Following the world wars, women, who had replaced the many men sent to the front, on the job, won major roles in society and employment opportunities outside the family. Other recent and important achievements were: the possibility of divorce, the legalization of abortion and economic independence.

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