Exemption from payment of certain types of ticket to health workers in difficult situations (including contracts of Solidarity) has been extended throughout 2011 (see Note Region E / R ). Proceed through self Amm.ni at the local, but it is advisable to pay close attention to the ceilings set and your total income, over the past year, the exemption was up to approximately two income groups:
1) who received a monthly payment before the Security Council less than € 1931.86 gross and then in the Security Council not exceeding the gross and net 892.96 840.81
2) who received a monthly payment before the Security Council more than 1931.86 € gross and then in the Security Council not exceeding the gross and net 1073.25 1010.57
Therefore, to avoid disappointment we urge workers to contact and to contact the ns. RSU to them contacting the managers of the Inca.
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