A beautiful book.
Deceptively simple. I'm apparently.
I've got a special friend, the kind that you would give your life, you are sure you will not betray you never break your heart.
Maybe one day our roads will fall away, so it is - also - life.
But not today, our hearts embrace. In a sincere and honest.
So true.
(Il Mattino, 16 January 2011) _______________________
"Why is not anyone in the world like me?" Is the question that Ben, a small star of The Embrace - the David Grossman's book illustrated by Michal Rovner - addressed to his mother. The two were walking to the end sometime in an unspecified location, but that question has the same power of impact of a bomb. Suddenly stops their progress, and opens a chasm in the loss the reader sees the child reflected his deepest fear: that of loneliness. With the lightness that only the authenticity of intentions can donate to the words, David Grossman goes straight to the heart of the matter and the reader. With a simple syllogism: all the "unique" are just, I am single, then I'm alone. Thus began another journey, one on the road paved by the desperation of the emptiness around us, surprisingly (but perhaps not too much) of this condition leads to pride and deep empathy that you can find out for each other: no one will ever be as me, but the other will be with me. And what better gesture expresses this concept if not the embrace? There merger, but the intimacy and closeness that is created, in space and time, it allows two people to hear the heartbeat of one another, to recognize each different yet similar. Are mirror neurons? Certainly necessary but not sufficient. It serves, in fact, the desire to meet. Like the one that moves the two artists in the creation of this little masterpiece: David Grossman and Michal Rovner in fact have already worked together, go way back. Their "embrace art," allows the unit to complete the discussion of the other. An example: the words say 'I'm a little' lonely and a bit 'with others "and the pictures they draw a spiral, an ancient symbol of the bond between the two ends of becoming, of movement of human life, the same journey of the soul after death. One last note. A place and an unspecified space, said at the beginning. As only those of the soul can be. Exactly.
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